
How was the weapon created?

The Submarine was created in the late 1500s by Dutch inventor Cornelius Drebbel. It was propelled by 8 oars sealed through the sides with leather flaps. Since then, there have been many modifications to the submarine, such as more advanced capabilities (telescope, weapons, missiles, etc.) and better designs. The submarines used in WW1 were significantly more sophisticated than this first model.

What battle(s) was the weapon first used in?

The submarine was majorly used in World War I by Germany in order to attack other vessels in the ocean. The first battle that the submarine was used for was during the American revolution, where the U.S attempted to set a time bomb to a British admirals flagship in new York Harbor. Specifically, in WW1, the submarine was mainly used by Germany and Britian as part of ther navy. For example in Febuary 1915, a German submarine met a British ship and sank it. Then on, submarines would always be used in order to eliminate ships from enemy countries without warning. British and German armies had special departments for Uboats/Submarines.

How did the weapon change the nature of war? Is this weapon (or a version of it) still used today?

The weapon changed the nature of war because it provided more opportunity in sea to attack other vessels. Submarines were also used for other humanitarian efforts such as recovering vessels that have already sunk.This weapon changed the course for war by easily passing through naval defenses from other countries. The sleek frame for submarines makes it practically invisible to other people and can attack/destroy other ships with ease. Although it does not have heavy firepower, submarines make it easier for infiltration and spying on other countries as well.